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9 Pubic Ingrown Hair Treatments That Work, According to Dermatologists

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Whether you shave, wax, epilate, sugar, or tweeze, odds are you've likely encountered an ingrown hair or two in your lifetime. While very common, these pesky bumps are still a nuisance. Plus, when they're in places such as the pubic area and near your vulva—where skin is more delicate and sensitive—they can be painful, too.

The reason people are more likely to get painful ingrown hairs in their pubic area is because the hairs in this area are usually coarser than on the rest of the body. When coarser-textured hairs begin to grown and push themselves out, they often curls back into the skin and become trapped, leading to an ingrown.

Thankfully, there are more than a handful of ways to prevent ingrown hairs from developing and treat them once they arise. So, we tapped three experts for their tips and trips on how to stay bump-free. From developing a bump-free skincare routine for your body and swapping out your old razor for a new one to getting consistent waxes, keep scrolling for 11 easy ways to get rid of ingrown hairs in your pubic area.

Meet the Expert

  • Anna Karp, DO, is a board-certified dermatologist and clinical assistant professor of dermatology at New York University Langone.
  • Purvisha Patel, MD is a board-certified dermatologist and founder of the brand Visha Skincare.
  • Stacie Harding is an esthetician and senior waxing trainer at European Wax Center.
01 of 09

Establish a Good Body Care Routine

A solid skincare routine shouldn't be reserved for just your face, your body deserves some love, too. "Proper skin care is vital to preventing ingrown hair," confirms Harding, adding that ingrown treatment shouldn't just be done before and after a hair removal treatment. If you want clear, smooth skin, it's best to commit to routine that will keep your body glowing.

Harding says to start with the basics: body wash, body scrub, ingrown hair serum, and body lotion. Look for products with ingredients that slow down hair growth, are non-comedogenic (meaning they won't clog your pores), and that have gentle chemical exfoliants.

02 of 09

Exfoliate Before and After Hair Removal

Exfoliating the area before and after shaving, waxing, and epilating is an extra step toward keeping ingrown hairs at bay. Purvisha Patel, MD recommends cleansing the area with an exfoliating body wash with a chemical exfoliant like salicylic acid.

For ingrowns that have already cropped up around the bikini line, exfoliating can assist in alleviating them faster. Patel says to "gently scrub the area twice a day with an exfoliating glove or a washcloth with an exfoliating wash" to remove buildup of oils and dead skin cells.

03 of 09

Use a New Razor Each Time You Shave the Pubic Area

Shaving creates sharp edges on hair when it's cut. This sharp edge makes it easier for the hair to pierce the skin and grow back into it. "While shaving, using a new, sharp razor/blade and shaving cream is important to prevent ingrown hairs because you will cause the least amount of skin irritation this way," says Anna Karp, DO.

04 of 09

Shave in the Direction of Hair Growth

Both Karp and Patel agree that one of the most important things you can do to prevent ingrown hairs is to shave in the direction of hair growth, despite what you may have been taught, to get a closer shave. When working against the grain of hair growth, there may be more chance of it breaking and a potentially increased chance of ingrown hairs.

And be mindful of the ingredients in your shaving creams and gels: "Shave gels and products that have oils in them can actually clog pores and make ingrown hairs worse," says Patel.

05 of 09

Try Sugaring

Waxing and sugaring remove the hair from the follicle, which is why the results can last so much longer than shaving. Sometimes, though, the hair breaks above or below the skin's surface as it's being uprooted. Just like shaving, these sharp, broken ends create a breeding ground for hair growing back into the skin. However, sugaring is far less likely to do so.

"Sugaring is better than waxing for preventing ingrown hairs," says Karp. Keep that in mind if you're prone to getting those angry red bumps. If you go to a professional that uses sugaring paste, you'll have the best chance of avoiding hair growing back into the skin. You can also try your hand at sugaring at home.

06 of 09

Keep the Area Clean, Especially Before Hair Removal

Just as you would wash your face 1-2 times a day to prevent acne-causing bacteria, it's important to keep the pubic area clean to prevent ingrown hairs. "It's equally important to rid your skin of any impurities that can be associated with ingrown hair," explains Harding. "Bacteria is one of the main causes of ingrown hair." Wash the surrounding skin with gentle, fragrance-free soap every day.

07 of 09

Take a Warm Bath to Soothe Existing Ingrown Hairs

Most ingrown hairs go away on their own. Sitting in warm baths daily or more than once a day can help, as do hot compresses on the area. "If you can see the hair, a warm compress can soften the hair and bring it closer to the surface. If you cannot see the hair, leave the compress on until the hair becomes visible," says Patel. If you have an ingrown hair that is bothering you, apply a steroid cream to reduce inflammation and any itching or a topical antibiotic cream if it's painful and seems infected. If it doesn't clear up in a few days or gets worse, see your doctor, who might prescribe stronger creams or an oral antibiotic or both. 

08 of 09

Consider Laser Hair Removal

There's always a more permanent option if you're sick of having irritated skin from waxing or shaving. "Laser hair removal is the best option if you don't want to deal with ingrown hairs," says Karp. This technique damages the hair follicle, preventing the hair from growing back in. If you don't have any hair around your bikini line, you don't have to worry about it growing in the wrong direction.

09 of 09

Swipe On an Antiperspirant

Yes, really. Your antiperspirant could help keep your bikini area free of irritations and ingrown hairs, according to Karp. "One trick after shaving is to swipe your stick/soft deodorant over the freshly shaven area. Aluminum products have astringent, antibacterial, and anti-sweating properties so this can help also." Just keep in mind that aluminum is the key here, so if you use a natural deodorant, that won't work. You'll need an actual antiperspirant with aluminum on the ingredients list.

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