Are Bikini Wax Bruises Normal?

person reading on the beach

Hello Africa / Getty Images

Let's face it: removing unwanted hair does not rank high on the fun meter. In fact, depending on the area of your body, various hair removal techniques can be downright excruciating. But if you leave your waxing session with more than just tenderness, redness, and irritant folliculitis (an inflamed hair follicle), it might be time to book an appointment with your dermatologist. According to Melissa Kanchanapoomi Levin, MD, redness and swelling that persists longer than two days post-wax or bruising and scabbing in general are unusual reactions and should be checked out by your doctor. To avoid running into these issues, follow the below advice on making your wax experience as painless as possible. With a few precautions and a little practice, even those trying an at-home kit can emerge both hair- and bruise-free.

Meet the Expert

Melissa Kanchanapoomi Levin, MD, is a Manhattan-based, board-certified dermatologist and the founder of Entière Dermatology, specializing in bespoke medical and cosmetic skin solutions.

Consider Your Medications and Timing

If you regularly take blood-thinning medication or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), such as Advil or Motrin, this can affect your blood's ability to clot and cause you to bruise more easily. In this instance, opt for another hair removal option. Levin also advises patients to stop using prescriptions with retinoids or over-the-counter skincare products with retinol two to five days before a wax to prevent scabbing from the top layer of skin being pulled with the hair.

Although bruising is not a common response in this scenario, your skin can be more sensitive during your period due to increased inflammation. When scheduling your wax appointment, choose a time that doesn’t conflict with your period to save yourself from a little extra sting.

Prep the Area Before Waxing

Waxon AHA Ingrown hair serum
Waxon AHA/PHA Ingrown Serum $32.00

The key to a good wax job is proper skin preparation. Think of your waxing area as an artist's canvas and pay as much attention to prepping the surface as you do to the actual waxing. First, wash the area to be waxed with soap and water. For the bikini line and inner leg, it's best to do this in the shower, then wax right after. Next, gently exfoliate the area to prevent folliculitis or ingrown hairs. Levin suggests using a chemical exfoliator (such as an AHA or BHA) rather than a physical exfoliator, which can be much too aggressive at removing skin.

One good option is the Waxon Ingrown Serum ($32), as it contains Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) and Polyhydroxy Acid (PHA), which help to both soften and straighten hairs for easier waxing and less ingrown hairs. It also contains aloe and witch hazel to soothe the skin and decrease inflammation.

Key Ingredients

Witch hazel is harvested from the witch hazel plant in North America. It has many uses, including cleansing oily skin, treating minor wounds, treating acne, and removing makeup.

A clean, oil-free surface allows good adhesion of the wax for an easier and less painful removal. Conversely, a poorly prepped surface can cause too much or too little stick, resulting in a painful removal process that may further irritate skin.

See a Professional Waxer

Bikini Wax

CasarsaGuru/Getty Images

Bikini wax bruises or bruises in other hard-to-reach areas could be the result of poor waxing technique. This can be prevented by seeing a professional or seeking help from another set of hands. Waxing large, easily accessible areas like the arms and legs are much easier to attempt by yourself than your underarms or pubic area. Leave those in the hands of a professional or someone you trust.

If you are attempting an at-home wax, keep these three things in mind: work efficiently, pull from the right angle, and hold the skin taut. First, make sure your formula is the perfect temperature for application. If it’s not warm enough, it’ll glob onto the skin and require more force to get it off. If it’s too hot, you risk the chance of burning your skin. Then, apply the wax in the direction of the hair growth. Once the wax has firmly gripped the hair, pull it in the opposite direction of the way the hair is growing. Pulling the wax straight up or not holding your skin taut can cause broken capillaries or bruising, so devote the necessary time to perfecting your technique.

One great option for sensitive skin for waxing at home is the Completely Bare Bare More Ouch Less Waxing Kit ($15).

Completely Bare Ouch Less Wax Kit
Completely Bare Bare More Ouch Less Waxing Kit $15.00

Aftercare for a Wax Treatment

Whether you attempted your wax at home or went to a professional at a salon or spa, you’ll likely need to ice the area to calm down the swelling and reduce the redness. The TheraPearl gel bead ice pack ($12) is the perfect size for your bikini line. 

TheraPearl Gel Ice Pack
TheraPearl Gel Bead Ice Pack $12.00

Any pain should only last during the treatment and the sensitivity should subside after a day or so. Levin suggests taking an Ibuprofen 30 minutes before waxing to suppress any pain you might feel following the treatment and moisturizing the area to help repair your skin’s protective barrier back to normal. Remember, if the bruise doesn't improve over the next few days or is getting worse, see a medical professional.

Article Sources
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  1. Michigan Medicine. Medicines That Can Cause Bruises. Updated February 26, 2020.

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